What is a Home Bakery?

A “Home Bakery” is defined in Chapter 911 of the Ohio Revised Code to mean any person who owns or operates a bakery with only one oven, including double ovens, of ordinary design within their ordinary kitchen in their primary residence.

What Foods are Permitted?

A Home Bakery is permitted to manufacture non-potentially hazardous bakery products. These would include things such as cookies, breads, brownies, cakes, fruit pies, etc.

They may also manufacture potentially hazardous bakery products such as cheesecakes, cream pies, custard pies, pumpkin pies, etc. Potentially hazardous refers to foods that require temperature control because it can support the growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms.

Do You Need a License?

Yes. A Home Bakery must obtain a license and be inspected by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), Division of Food Safety. Home Bakeries may also be required to obtain a mobile retail license to sell at locations outside of the home.

  • There is an annual fee of $10.00.
  • To arrange for an inspection, contact the ODA Division of Food Safety at 1-800-282-1955, Ext. 4366 or by email at foodsafety@agri.ohio.gov.
  • For mobile retail licensing, contact Samantha Wantz at samanthaw@zmchd.org or call 740-454-9741, ext. 293.

Kitchen Requirements

To be a Home Bakery, the household must have walls, ceilings, and floors that are in good repair, clean, and easily cleanable. Equipment and utensils must be maintained and kept in sanitary conditions.

There must be a mechanical refrigerator that is maintained to a temperature of 45°F or less.

If the home uses a private well, the well must be tested annually for coliform bacteria. Proof of the well test result must be provided to the inspector.

The home must be free from pests and no pets are permitted to be in the home.

Labels should be available for review at the time of inspection.

Labeling Requirements

A “Home Bakery” is required to label all their food products properly, which includes the following information on the label of each unit of food product offered or distributed for sale:

  1. Statement of Identity
  2. Net Quantity of Contents
  3. Ingredient List
  4. Statement of Responsibility

If the food requires refrigeration, the label of bakery items must bear the declaration “Keep Refrigerated” or other similar statement.

See the ODA Fact Sheetfor an example on labeling.

Where Can You Sell Your Home Bakery Products?

  • May distribute products outside of the state of Ohio.
  • Directly from the home to the consumer.
  • Sold through grocery stores, convenience stores, farmers markets, and other retail establishments.
  • May be served as a food item offered by restaurants.


Ohio Department of Agriculture Home Bakery Fact Sheet