Don't Be A Cloud Chaser - Be A Dream Chaser

#ATobaccoFreeOhio Contest.

Birth Certificates

We issue birth certificates for individuals born anywhere in Ohio after 1908. This eliminates the need to visit the county of birth to obtain a certificate. There is no additional charge for this service.

Food Safety Licensing Inspections

The Food Safety Program provides technical assistance in all aspects of food safety to the food service industry.

Don't Delay Lead Blood Testing

Lead can harm young children's growth and development.

Naloxone Saves Lives

Last year, Muskingum County lost 42 people to unintentional drug overdoses. Also known as Narcan, Naloxone can be used to reverse drug overdoses. Every life is worth saving.

Mosquito Control

Being aware of mosquito and mosquito-borne disease activity in your area allows you to take action to protect yourself and others: avoid mosquitoes and mosquito bites, plan ahead for mosquitoes while traveling, and stop mosquitoes from breeding in and around your home.

Guard Against the Flu and Other Respiratory Viruses

While it’s the season for cozy sweaters, it’s also respiratory virus season. Thankfully, we have vaccines to keep us healthy.

Serving The City Of Zanesville And Muskingum County Since 1919!

Prevent • Promote • Protect

The Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department serves more then 85,000 residents
through education and providing services based on your area of interest below.


Stay On Top Of Important Local Health Information