Help Me Grow Home Visiting/Health Families America
- Having a baby?
- Have a child under the age of 3?
- Have questions about parenting?
Healthy Families America can help!
We provide information about raising a happy and healthy child, parenting tips, and referrals to local resources. We provide these services in the comfort of your own home!
Location: 205 North Seventh St., Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Phone: 740-450-3275 X 224
Fax: 740-450-7381
What do Home Visitors do with families during home visits?
During visits, one of the primary things we do is engage mom or other caregiver and baby in activities that promote positive parent-child interaction and bonding. We implement the Healthy Families America program of home visiting, which is a national, evidence-based Home Visiting model. The main goal is to provide support, encouragement, information and resources to families to promote positive parent-child interaction. We utilize the “Growing Great Kids” evidence-based curriculum as the primary source of the activities and handouts that we use with parents. We routinely screen the child’s development in all areas (using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire) to help with the early identification of any potential developmental concerns.
When do we see families?
Weekly visits are recommended, especially with new families and newborn babies. Frequent visits are beneficial in establishing a relationship with your family and getting to know ways we can support you. We offer a flexible schedule to accommodate working parents and busy schedules.
Where do we visit families?
We come to you! Being in your home helps you learn how to parent your child in your environment. Babies and children play best with their own toys and around things that they know. We are flexible and willing to meet outside the home if that is what is more comfortable. We can meet at a playground or play area or in another family members home if that is your family’s preference.
Why choose Home Visiting?
We want parents to feel they have someone they can rely on to ask questions about their children, and learn ways to enjoy and teach their children. We provide this support in a non-judgemental and supportive way.
Who is Eligible?
- Families who are pregnant or parenting a child under 4 months of age
- Must meet income guidelines (Under 200% of the FPL – WIC or Medicaid eligible families are automatically eligible)
- We can make some exceptions, contact us for more information.
How do you sign up?
Click this link to make an on-line self referral
Or you can call our Central Intake Referral team at 740-732-1775.
Meet Our Team
- Melissa Cox, Supervisor (bottom, left)
- Jessica Grimes (top, left)
- Andi Waggle (top, right)
- Deidre Miller (bottom, right)