Animal Bites & Rabies Control

Name About Phone
Animal Bites & Rabies Control Responds to complaints. 740-454-9741 X 291
Bed Bug Education Provides education about bed bug infesta-tions. 740-454-9741 X 238
Mosquito Control Monitors and controls mosquitoes to prevent diseases. 740-454-9741 X 300
Tickborne Diseases Know how to protect yourself, your pets, and your yard.

Child & Family Health

Name About Phone
Birth & Death Certificates Provides certified copies of birth and death certificates for a fee. 740-454-9741 X 280
Bridges To Wellness Community health workers link individuals who have medical, social and educational barriers to resources in Muskingum County. 740-450-3275 X 237
Car Seat Program & Cribs for Kids Inspects child car seats for safety and provides education. 740-450-3275 X 237
Children With Medical Handicaps (CMH) Links families of children with special health care needs to services. 740-454-9741 X 243
Clinical Services & Disease Prevention ZMCHD conducts surveillance and investigation for infectious diseases, healthcare-associated infections and bioterrorism incidents in Muskingum County.
Community Health Planning Identifies unmet health needs and establishes goals to meet them through Community Health Improvement Plan. 740-454-9741 X 312
Early Intervention Provides services to parents of infants and toddlers with developmental delays. 740-450-3275 X 224
Emergency Preparedness Works with other agencies developing and practicing emergency plans. 740-454-9741 X 303
Head Lice Education Provides education about head lice. 740-454-9741 X 242
Help Me Grow Home Visiting Provides support and education to parents of children under age 3. 740-450-3275 X 224
Lead Poisoning Prevention Provides childhood lead investigations and case management. 740-454-9741 X 227
Prevent Blindness Ohio Links adults and children to Prevent Blindness Ohio program. 614-464-2020
School Nursing School contracts with ZMCHD to provide screenings and other required health data. 740-454-9741 X 242
Smart Choices Strong Families Registered nurse provides support and linkage to services to pregnant women with substance use disorder. 740-454-9741 X 294
Social Work Supports families in need of assistance. 740-454-9741 X 240
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Provides nutrition education and supplemental food for women, infants and children up to age 5. 740-450-5040

Disease Prevention

Name About Phone
Mosquito Control Monitors and controls mosquitoes to prevent diseases. 740-454-9741 X 300
Project DAWN Safe Point Provides training on naloxone administration and overdose education. 740-454-9741 X 263
Respiratory Illnesses Learn more about COVID-19, RSV, Influenza and more.
Tickborne Diseases Know how to protect yourself, your pets, and your yard.
Tobacco Use Prevention Works with stakeholders and community agencies to decrease tobacco use with education and policy adoption. 740-454-9741 X 350
Vaccinations Offers vaccinations and education for children, adults, and travelers. 740-454-9741 X 325

Environmental Health For Business

Name About Phone
Backflow Prevention Identifies backflow devices to ensure testing. 740-454-9741 X 228
Body Art Licensing Inspects and licenses tattoo and body piercing establishments. 740-454-9741 X 291
Campgrounds & Mobile Home Parks Inspects and licenses camps/parks. 740-454-9741 X 291
Food Safety Inspects and licenses food service operations & retail food businesses. 740-454-9741 X 227 OR 292
Housing & Nuisance Investigation Investigates trash and solid waste complaints. 740-454-9741 X 226
Inspection Reports
Plumbing Inspections & Permits Inspects commercial and residential plumbing installations. 740-454-9741 X 229 OR 228
Private Water Systems Inspects and licenses private water systems. 740-454-9741 X 232 OR 293
Public Pools, Spas & Beaches Inspects and licenses public bathing beaches, swimming pools and spas. 740-454-9741 X 291
Sewage Treatment Systems Inspects/licenses household sewage systems. 740-454-9741 X 293
Solid Waste Nuisance Program Investigates trash and solid waste complaints. 740-454-9741 X 226

Environmental Health For Homeowners

Name About Phone
Backflow Prevention Identifies backflow devices to ensure testing. 740-454-9741 X 228
Bed Bug Education Provides education about bed bug infesta-tions. 740-454-9741 X 238
Housing & Nuisance Investigation Investigates trash and solid waste complaints. 740-454-9741 X 226
Mold Resources Helpful resources and documents relating to mold.
Mosquito Control Monitors and controls mosquitoes to prevent diseases. 740-454-9741 X 300
Plumbing Inspections & Permits Inspects commercial and residential plumbing installations. 740-454-9741 X 229 OR 228
Private Water Systems Inspects and licenses private water systems. 740-454-9741 X 232 OR 293
Radon Helpful resources and documents relating to radon.
Sewage Treatment Systems Inspects/licenses household sewage systems. 740-454-9741 X 293
Solid Waste Nuisance Program Investigates trash and solid waste complaints. 740-454-9741 X 226
Tickborne Diseases Know how to protect yourself, your pets, and your yard.