Zanesville Muskingum County Health Department
Child & Family Health Services
Birth & Death Certificates
Provides certified copies of birth and death certificates for a fee.
Children With Medical Handicaps (CMH)
Links families of children with special health care needs to services.
Help Me Grow Home Visiting
Provides support and education to parents of children under age 3.
Car Seat Program & Cribs for Kids
Inspects child car seats for safety and provides education.
Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Provides nutrition education and supplemental food for women, infants and children up to age 5.
Head Lice Education
Provides education about head lice.
Bridges To Wellness
Community health workers link individuals who have medical, social and educational barriers to resources in Muskingum County.
Clinical Services & Disease Prevention
ZMCHD conducts surveillance and investigation for infectious diseases, healthcare-associated infections and bioterrorism incidents in Muskingum County.
Community Health Planning
Identifies unmet health needs and establishes goals to meet them through Community Health Improvement Plan.
Early Intervention
Provides services to parents of infants and toddlers with developmental delays.
Smart Choices Strong Families
Registered nurse provides support and linkage to services to pregnant women with substance use disorder.
Emergency Preparedness
Works with other agencies developing and practicing emergency plans.
Prevent Blindness Ohio
Links adults and children to Prevent Blindness Ohio program.
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Provides childhood lead investigations and case management.
School Nursing
School contracts with ZMCHD to provide screenings and other required health data.
Social Work
Supports families in need of assistance.